Sunday, January 10, 2016

John Tennant

More Lumachrome prints from Nevada Art Printers are in and on display at The State Bar! The newest addition is freshly mounted up in one of my distressed/rustic cedar frames. These prints are absolutely luminous and overflowing with detail. This is how photos are supposed to look. With the right light, you would think they were back-lit. You can stare at these for ages.

Just a corner detail on my latest framed piece.

A close-up of the level of detail in the Lumachrome print. It's crazy sharp. Feel free to put your face right up to this 40 inch wide print.

For a 40 inch wide print, this Lumachrome acrylic piece is insanely sharp. I love staring at it.

An edge detail of the Lumachrome print. Very clean and contemporary. Not to mention it's oozing with hyper-realism.

The latest addition to the collection. This one could be my favorite piece. The Lumachrome prints is stunning in person. It just seems to glow and draw you in.

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